We have quite a few events coming up in the next three weeks: The Dan Beard District Camporee this coming weekend, our Troop Annual Spaghetti Dinner on October 19th, and the scouts will volunteer and camp at the council's Harvest Fest weekend on October 26-17.
Dan Beard District Fall Camporee - Cooking Merit Badge
This coming weekend, October 11-13th, is the Dan Beard District Fall Camporee. Held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, the theme will be Cooking Merit Badge. Scouts will have the opportunity to complete most of the requirements on this Eagle Scout Required Merit Badge over the weekend. If the "at home" requirement is done before they will earn the badge. If not, they will receive a partial and once they complete the at home requirements the will be finished.
Cost for this weekend is $30 and includes the cost of the camporee and costs for food. Scouts who want to participate must bring their $30 to this Thursday's meeting.
The at home requirement is Requirement 4. Scouts should bring a letter signed by their parent or guardian stating the scouts has completed the requirement. The full text of the at home requirement is listed below this email, or is available in the references section of Scoutbook.com (https://www.scoutbook.com/mobile/references/boy-scouting/merit-badges/cooking-merit-badge-requirements.asp).
You can find more information on the camporee at the district web page at http://nepabsa.org/danbearddistrict/dbactivities/2019-dan-beard-district-fall-camporee. We will be taking final signups and money at this Thursday's troop meeting
Spaghetti Dinner
October 19th is our annual troop spaghetti dinner. This is the only fundraiser we run for troop funds which purchase all the awards our scouts earn, update and maintain our troop equipment, and other costs incurred by the troop. Everyone's participation in both selling tickets and the dinner itself is vital to our troop's success.
While we require all families to sell 5 tickets, we ask and encourage you to sell as many as you can. The more dinners we serve, the more activities and opportunities we can offer our scouts. There is a Facebook event on our troop group you can share, and additional tickets are available at our troop meetings from Mr. Brian Klatt. (https://www.facebook.com/events/458272575030400/)
We are also again selling ad space on our place mat as we started last year. Ads are $25 for a business card sized ad. If you would like to sponsor the dinner on the place mat see Mr. Morgan or Mr. Klatt.
Scouts are asked to bring in two pounds of spaghetti (number 8 size) at our next troop meeting for the dinner. Scouts and families are also asked do donate a desert of some kind to be served at the dinner. The desserts can be brought in the day of the dinner on the 19th.
At Thursday October 17's troop meeting we will set up the hall for the dinner, and some scouts will be making the meatballs for Saturday night.
Harvest Fest
The NEPA Council's Harvest Fest is an annual event at Camp Acahela for our new Cub Scouts, and would not happen without the support of our local troops to volunteer at the event. The event is October 26 and 27th. We will be volunteering both days and camping one night on Saturday October 26th. All meals will be provided by the camp (Lunch and Dinner on Saturday, Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday).
We will have specific times soon, but the event each day is Noon-6pm on Saturday, and 11am-5pm on Sunday. We will be arriving Saturday morning to set up, and be staying through the end of the event on Sunday until our area (not assigned yet) is cleaned up. This event will count as a camping night for advancement, and as Service Hours during the times we are working the event.
Scouts can sign up at this week's troop meeting so we can provide the council with a count of who is attending.
Thank you, and please ask me or any leader any questions you may have.
Mr. Morgan
Cooking Merit Badge Requirement 4
4. Cooking at home. Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan menus for three full days of meals (three breakfasts, three lunches, and three dinners) plus one dessert. Your menus should include enough to feed yourself and at least one adult, keeping in mind any special needs (such as food allergies) and how you kept your foods safe and free from cross-contamination. List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals.
Then do the following:
(a) Create a shopping list for your meals showing the amount of food needed to prepare and serve each meal, and the cost for each meal.
(b) Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor.
(c) Using at least five of the 10 cooking methods from requirement 3, prepare and serve yourself and at least one adult (parent, family member, guardian, or other responsible adult) one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one dessert from the meals you planned.*
*The meals for requirement 4 may be prepared on different days, and they need not be prepared consecutively. The requirement calls for Scouts to plan, prepare, and serve one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner to at least one adult; those served need not be the same for all meals.
(d) Time your cooking to have each meal ready to serve at the proper time. Have an adult verify the preparation of the meal to your counselor.
(e) After each meal, ask a person you served to evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how better planning and preparation help ensure a successful meal.